Day 40 – Holy Saturday
Read Psalm 145
Between Jesus’ death on Friday and his glorious resurrection on Easter Sunday there was a Sabbath Saturday. The gospels tell us that Jesus’ followers observed the Sabbath there in Jerusalem. I cannot imagine what that day must have been like. Brian Moss has written a song about Holy Saturday.
Here in between the death and the life of broken God and risen Christ;
We watch and wait, we kneel and pray, for hope to breathe at break of day.
The temple torn by sacrifice. How can this be the way?
The Son of God nailed to a tree, this is not how we thought it’d be.
Your condemnation makes no sense, an act of hate and violence.
We broke the bread, we spilled the wine. How can this be the way?
Within this day of Sabbath rest, a gift to those who you have blessed;
Your peace transforms our hearts content in this already and not yet.
In stillness beats the drum of life. How can this be the way?
Your never ending sovereignty still flickers with eternity.
It brightens fading even-tide, the gospel hums with mercy wide.
O Lord of Life, open your eyes. You are the only way.
I doubt that Psalm 145 came to anyone’s mind on that first Holy Saturday, but I chose it to end our 40 day anticipation of Easter because we know the end of the story. We know death is defeated. We know Jesus rises to new life and with him the hope of God’s kingdom that Psalm 145 describes. What better way to enter into the Easter celebration than the close of Psalm 145 – “The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them. The Lord watches over all who love him, but all the wicked he will destroy. My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord. Let every creature praise his holy name for ever and ever.”
Pray for God’s kingdom to come here as it is in heaven – in your life, in the life of your church, school, community, friends and family.